Going Green - Towards improved energy efficiency
Efficient development concepts and layouts are foremost on our mind when we come up with new developments.
Adopting spatial planning and ensuring there is ample light and breeze flowing into homes is part of our design principles.

The next step is to ensure that the running of the development and the individual units is more sustainable and cost efficient.
We will be installing fixtures and fittings which comprise of energy efficient green products. These include items that will let in more light, improve on ventilation, and making the living environment more pleasing – all at reduced running costs.
Our development across Malaysia and Singapore
Stretching across the coast of Batu Ferringhi beach, famous for its many hotels and resorts, variety of restaurants and colourful night bazaars, By The Sea is the ideal spot for a perfect vacation.
Our 5-star hotel in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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