3.1.1 Composition
3.1.2 Diversity
3.1.3 Appointments and Re-election
3.1.4 New Directorship
3.2.1 Duties and Responsibilities
3.2.2 Matters Reserved for the Board
3.3.1 The Chairman
3.3.2 Managing Director
3.3.3 Independence of Director
The Remuneration Committee of the Company will review the remuneration for the Managing Directors and Senior Management on yearly basis based on SDB Group performance.
In the case of Non-Executive Directors, the level of remuneration reflects the contribution and level of responsibilities undertaken by the particular Non-Executive Director.
The annual fees to be paid to non-executive Directors will be recommended by the Board Company and subject to ordinary resolution of the shareholders.
In addition to the Mandatory Accreditation Programme as required by the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”), the Directors shall continue to update their knowledge and enhance their skills through appropriate continuing education programmes and life-long learning. This will enable Directors to effectively discharge duties and sustain active participation in the Board deliberations.
While management, Company Secretary, Internal and External Auditors will brief the Board on changes in the legislative, regulatory or industry framework which impact the Company, the Board shall assess the training needs of the Directors from time to time.
In assessing whether a person is fit and proper to be appointed/re-elected, the following criteria shall be considered:-
i) Character and Integrity
ii) Competency and Experience
iii) Time and Commitment
The Board shall place great importance in ensuring the high standards of transparency and accountability in its communication to shareholders, as well as to potential investors, analysts and the public. The shareholders shall be informed of all material matters affecting the Company and Group.
The ways of communication to shareholders and investors, amongst others, are as follows:-
The AGM is the principal forum for dialogue with shareholders. The Board also encourages shareholders to participate in the question and answer session at the AGM.
The Directors, collectively or individually, may seek independent professional advice and information in the furtherance of their duties at the Company’s expense, so as to ensure the Directors are able to make independent and informed decisions.
Directors are required to take all reasonable steps to avoid actual, potential or perceived conflict of interests with the Company’s interest.
The Board Charter has been updated by the Board in July 2022. Any subsequent amendment to the Charter can only be approved by the Board.
The Board Charter will be periodically reviewed and updated in accordance with the needs of the Company and any new regulations that may have an impact on the discharge of the Board’s responsibilities.