Fasting Tips

As we approach the fasting month, let us all revel in the atmosphere of breaking fast with friends and loved ones. Here are some tips for you to keep well for a smooth-sailing month and let this be a season of revival for the soul, body and mind.

It is important to be hydrated at all times – do this by drinking at least 8 glasses. Break your fast with a glass of warm water and dates, followed with a bowl of soup and eventually the main meal. Remember to sip and not gulp the water down! Also keep having water throughout the night to keep you hydrated for the next day.
The more salt you consume, the thirstier you get. Hence, try to get flavours from wholesome ingredients like vegetables, spices and fruits. Also limit buying food, as it may contain high amounts of monosodium glutamate. Instead try to cook light dishes and soups at home instead.
Try to incorporate light exercises just before breaking fast and to hydrate immediately after your workout session with water and a light meal. Limit vigorous exercises, and instead do more gentle exercises like yoga or stretching.
You will be tempted with the delicious varieties of kuih-muih’s available, however limit your calories or reduce portions to smaller sizes instead and pick one or two of your favourite to have each day. This way, you will not put on weight drastically
and excessively.
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