From 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily, under the supervision of D&S staff and volunteers, they creamed, rolled and baked over 7,000 chocolate, butter and coffee cookies. After they packed and sealed the cookies into boxes, they went on to melt, stir and bake over 152 trays of salted caramel fudge brownies. They repeated the feat of creaming and baking with another 150 orange lemon cakes.
While melting chocolate over a double boiler was a job they were familiar with, it was a new task melting sugar to reach a temperature of 167 degrees Celcius and adding butter and cream into the hot bubbly sugar to caramelise. It demands precise timing and patience. Otherwise, the mixture literally goes up in smoke. Sure enough there were a few batches botched up that had to be thrown away but in the end, all was well.
The bakers who go by the moniker Bake With Dignity, have Ms Teh Lip Kim, Managing Director of Selangor Dredging Bhd to thank for the opportunity to learn and earn.